Let’s face it, not everyone is a good writer. You may be great at sales, software, operations, or management, but writing? — not so much.
To compete today, you need to make a great first impression. Lousy spelling and grammar makes your company look amateurish and turns away prospective customers. Your messages and website need to persuade prospects and build confidence and trust.
Don’t fall into the trap of trying to do it all yourself. Leave the writing to the experts. Tell your story with perfect grammar, perfect spelling, calls to action, and copy that gets clients engaged with you.
CP Communications provides powerful web content writing services to companies large and small. Whether you are a start-up, a large multinational company, a mid-sized firm or a non-profit, communicating online with your prospects and clients is more important than ever before.
We have decades of experience writing 300+ industry and market studies, hundreds of Press Releases, thousands of articles and blog posts, business plans, white papers, and website copy.

"These guys are great they did what they said they would do in a very professional manner and on time as promised. Will use them again when needed."
What We Can Do For You
- Press Release, 800-1,000 words $250
- Newsletter or online article, up to 800 words $250
- White paper or special report, up to 5,000 words $2,000-3,000
- Case study or product success story $1,500
- Short landing page to generate leads $500-1,000
- Blog post $150
Note: A whitepaper is a persuasive, authoritative, in-depth report on a specific topic that presents a problem and provides a solution. Marketers create whitepapers to educate their audience about a particular issue, or explain and promote a particular methodology. They’re advanced problem-solving guides.
How To Get Started:
Contact us by email or phone us at 800-796-3683 and let us know what you need done, your objectives, and your deadline. We’ll discuss your project and give you an estimate of the cost and time required.
A Press Release or blog post can be done in one day. A newsletter article in 2 days. A detailed Case study or white paper: 3-4 days.
We submit a draft to you for review, make any necessary edits (up to two revisions), and finalize the copy. You don’t pay until a final copy is accepted.
Let us take this task off your shoulders. You do not have to hire an expensive advertising agency or PR firm for your content creation needs.